Power Rangers Fanon Wiki 2 Wikia

This article, Jamie Nelson, is property of Dragonboy546.

"It's Morphin Time, Grid Defense On-line"-Morphing Call

"Grid Defense, Power Ranger Red!"-Roll Call

Jamie Nelson is the Grid Defense Red Ranger and the leader of the Grid Defense Rangers. (Power Rangers: Grid Defense)


Early Life[]

18 years old, Jamie is a young genius when it comes to computers & technology, and she evens own a car that she herself programmed to run autonomously. While she might not be totally bright & struggles with grades in school, Jamie has a hidden intuition which comes in handy when in the midst of crisis. A professional hacker, it was Jamie who first discovered the virus that

Ranger Duties[]

When the EMC finds the threat escalating, Commander Tash has the Ranger Operator basic gear sent to the Nelson residence hoping for a positive response. When Jamie receives the gear, she immediately tells her sister that she must go and, despite her sister's protests, that she's already made up her mind to join the Grid Defense Ranger team.

Jamie arrives just in time as the ShovelZord, a Virazord Beta Unit, attempts to destroy Enetron reserves to funnel Enetron for Venjix. Using the untested Zord Attack Vehicle Cheetah Racer, Jamie battles the Virazord while the other Ranger tackle Shoveltron.


  • Grid Defense Morpher
  • Lens Blaster
  • Spy Blade


  • Cheetah Racezord






Background Information[]
